Our Story
The Journey of iON L.L.C

In 2022, a spark ignited in the world of social commerce with the founding of iON LLC. It was more than a company; it was a vision brought to life, a commitment to empowering online businesses through innovative solutions. With a seed investment of USD 250K, iON LLC set out to redefine the digital marketplace.

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iON Basket is an e-commerce solution that is built around social media. Sign up today and unleash the power to sell everywhere. Enter your email address to start your free trial.


Our story starts with a simple yet powerful idea: to merge E-Commerce with social media. How to create a social commerce platform that bridges the gap between traditional and online shopping.

Moawiya Alrawas , with his keen interest in disruptive technology, took on the role of CEO at iON L.L.C. Together with his co-founder and CTO   Marcin Grzywok , who has an astounding history in the IoT technology, they embarked on this ambitious journey.

Our humble story

The year


The year 2022 was a landmark for iON LLC. The company welcomed its first clients, a testament to the platform’s potential and the team’s hard work. Development and testing continued, ensuring a seamless experience for users.



2023 brought new opportunities as iON LLC joined the Omantel Innovation Labs accelerator program. This collaboration was a catalyst for growth, providing invaluable insights and resources.

End of


As 2023 ended, iON LLC completed the Omantel Innovation Labs program and initiated a major funding round. Key investors, including Omantel & Concordia, invested in iON LLC’s vision, & growth trajectory.

The year


2024 is a new chapter for iON LLC. We signed with the first KSA merchants. We also singed with PayMob.

We are also developing more features to enhance the social commerce experience further.